What is cockfighting?

From the tropical jungles of Southeast Asia, to the mountain ranges of the Ozarks; the blood sport that is cockfighting has been a beloved past time for people all around the globe. This ancient spectator sport has long been a part of most cultures for more than 6,000 years. Cockfights have a particular place in several traditions not only as a past time but as a ritual to appease their gods.

Fowl Play

If you’re a particular type of person who snickers upon hearing the name of this sport, sorry to disappoint you but it’s not what you’re thinking of. Cockfighting is a blood sport wherein two “gamecocks” are pitted against each other. Relying on the instinctual aggression between males of the species, fowls are held tightly by their owners and made to peck at each other. When each fowl are adequately agitated, they are released and their clash begins. Fights are made faster and brutal by attaching metal spurs called gaffs or knives. These cock spurs could puncture internal organs or cause large lacerations to the gamecocks. Depending on the region and tradition the cock spurs could be long or short, one-sided or double-edged, or not used at all. Fans of this sport would bet on which side would win similar to a horse race but with a higher chance of winning. Each region has their own system of pooling and distributing the rewards.Some region have energy drink for cock ( thuoc ga da )

Ruffled Feathers

Even though widely accepted as a past time in most areas in ancient times, the practice of cockfighting have seen a significant decline. It is now illegal in most nations and only legal in some countries. With gambling and animal cruelty involved, cockfighting has garnered some push back from society since the last century. It is now completely banned in countries like Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. While countries like India, Iraq, and Pakistan though having a hard ban on this blood sport, tended to be more lenient with punishment as this past time has deep roots in their society. Some on the other hand would ban betting but still allow the practice as long as it’s for rituals or any other religious activities, like Indonesia. And there are countries like Colombia, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Peru, and the Philippines having no ban at all, and only regulates the gambling aspect of this ancient spectator sport. Though the stigma on cockfighting has clearly increased along the years, some do indeed proceed with enjoying cockfighting by any means possible.

Read More : Energy drink for Cock ( thuoc ga da )

Poultry in Motion

Cockfighting has deeply ingrained itself onto most societies in the world. From ancient sculptures to Victorian era paintings, novels to video games; this blood sport has surely crept its way into the psyche of most cultures. Appearing in various media and art, probably the most profound and poetic use of this sport is as a plot point in both of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ novels One Hundred Years of Solitude and No One Writes to the Colonel.
